


SPARC International is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to overseeing and guiding the evolution of SPARC and its open standards technology.


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Frontgrade Gaisler AB, a fully-owned subsidiary of Cobham plc, is based in Gothenburg, Sweden.  Employing more than 11,500 people on five continents, Cobham has customers and partners in over 100 countries with market leading positions in wireless; audio, video and data communications, including satellite; defense electronics; air-to-air refuelling; aviation services; life support and mission equipment.

Cobham Gaisler provides IP cores and supporting development tools for embedded processors based on our SPARC architecture. Its key product is the LEON synthesizable processor model together with a full development environment and a library of IP cores (GRLIB).  With over 100 years of combined experience, Cobham Gaisler’s personnel hold extensive design experience, and have been involved in establishing European standards for ASIC and FPGA development for both commercial and aerospace applications.

SPARC’s long-standing relationship with Cobham Gaisler dates back to Jiri Gaisler and the early days of our organization.  From 1988-2000, Jiri worked for the European Space Agency (http://www.esa.int/) as a staff researcher, developing the first European 32-bit processor for space (ERC32) and the fault-tolerant LEON-FT processor.  He went on to form Gaisler Research in 2001, which was later acquired by Aeroflex Inc. in 2008.  Aeroflex was subsequently acquired by Cobham plc in 2014.  To learn more about their exciting history and impressive endeavors, please visit https://www.gaisler.com/.