
SPARC International, Inc.® owns all of the SPARC trademarks and under licensing agreements allows the proper use of these trademarks by its members.

As stated at the very beginning of these guidelines, the primary purpose of the SPARC International trademark program is to insure the acquisition and protection of SPARC trademarks. SPARC International has invested considerable financial resources in enhancing the visibility and “goodwill” associated with its existing trademarks. The guidelines for trademark usage set forth in this booklet will serve to encourage correct trademark usage and to facilitate uniformity in trademark use among member organizations. Additionally the guidelines for trademark selection set forth in this booklet are intended to assure the selection of strong new trademarks. It is essential that these guidelines be observed since SPARC International’s existing trademarks can be lost through misuse and new marks must be legally viable if they are to survive.

SPARC International has developed a valuable portfolio of distinctive trademarks, including extensive registrations of many of these marks throughout the world. The protection and preservation of these trademarks requires vigilance on the part of every SPARC member. We must all remain alert to any perceived misuse either by a member or by others (of SPARC trademarks). To that end, if any SPARC member becomes aware of a possible incorrect or unauthorized use of a SPARC trademark, or the use of a mark confusingly similar to a SPARC trademark, the Trademark Coordinator at SPARC International should be notified immediately. Only by remaining vigilant can we ensure that SPARC trademarks will retain their value, both for us and for our customers.

Of course, in day-to-day business affairs, trademark issues or problems may arise which were neither envisioned nor covered by this booklet. In these instances, please contact the Trademark Coordinator at SPARC International directly. We will work diligently to assist you in resolving any trademark issues that may arise.